A compromise projection that tries to moderate the worst excesses of the Mercator without changing the appearance much.
Meridians: Complex curves.
Parallels: Straight, with variable spacing generally increasing away from the equator.
Pole: A line about 59% the width of the equator.
No point is undistorted. Areal inflation dominates the high latitudes. The equatorial band is more balanced with moderate distortion. The low-mid latitudes are dominated by angular deformation.
Similar projections
The Times and the Gall-Bomford projections are proper pseudocylindric projections with similar appearance. This projection does not have equally spaced meridians, and so is not pseudocylindric.
Devised in 1944 by G.A. Ginzburg for his employer, Tsentral’nyy Nauchno-issledovatel’skiy Institut Geodezii, Aerofotos’emki i Kartografii, or Central Scientific Research Institute of Geodesy, Aerial Photo Survey and Cartography.